Dobbin Management, Inc.

Water Heater Survey (Mandatory)

Water heaters are things we don’t think about until they suddenly have problems.  And the thing about water heaters is that that’s exactly HOW they have problems: SUDDENLY.  

The bad news is that when they go, they tend to go catastrophically. The good news is that they tend to only “go” AFTER they have gone past their manufacturer’s life/use expectancy date. This means that the Association keeping track of their installation and notifying owners when they are approaching the end of their expected usability is an easy (and ultimately LESS expensive) way to prevent huge water damage to your unit and your neighboring units.    

Water heater failures in connected townhouses like Mountaindale are responsible for a large number of insurance loss claims that are all largely preventable.   We are putting together a database to track the expected “lifespans” of the water heaters in the community, to better be able to prevent problems before they happen. 

Please take a few moments to fill out the form below concerning your water heater.  All of the information should be on the sticker on your tank.